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Variables & conditions

    $fruit = 'apple';
    $count = 5;

    echo $count . ' ' . $apple;
    if ($count != 1) {
        echo 's';
    // Should display: "5 apples";

What functions are, how to create and use them

    function my_thing($what) {
        echo 'I have: ' . $what;
    my_thing('a car');
    my_thing('an iPad');

How to use arrays

    $fruits = array('apple', 'tomato', 'potato');
    print_r($fruits); // Prints a nicely formatted view of the array contents
    echo 'Which does not belong? ';
    foreach ($fruits AS $fruit) {
        echo $fruit;
        echo ' ';
    $grades = array(
        'Tom' => 5,
        'George' => 4,
    echo $grades['Tom']; // 5

PHP and user-submitted data
or — How to communicate with the outside world

This is a form:


// HTML code:
<form action="index.php" method="get">
    Nimi: <input type="text" name="my_name" />
    <input type="submit" value="ENGAGE!" />

When the ENGAGE! button is pressed (that’s called submitting the form), the browser is redirected to an address that looks like: <form>-s "action" + ? + <input>-s "name" = [WHAT THE USER TYPED].
With the above form, the address would be index.php?my_name=Joel

Using the data on the "action" page (index.php)

The $_GET array is created automatically by PHP. It contains the data from the query string (?my_name=Joel).

    Will display:
        [my_name] => Joel

To get a certain value, we access it like we would with any other array

    echo $_GET['my_name']; // Displays: Joel

A more complete, working example:

// This is index.php
            // The isset() function checks if a variable exists
            // We do this to only show the "Hello" text after the user submits the form.
            // Without this check, the page would always display "Hello, "

            if (isset($_GET['my_name'])) {
                echo 'Hello, ' . $_GET['my_name']; // Displays somethign like "Hello, Joel"
        <form action="index.php" method="get">
            Nimi: <input type="text" name="my_name" />
            <input type="submit" value="ENGAGE!" />

Another example. Something related to a previous homework assignment.

						<form action="index.php" method="get">
				            Enter grade: <input type="text" name="grade" />
				            <input type="submit" value="Motivate!" />
										if (isset($_GET['grade'])) {
											$grade = intval( $_GET['grade'] );
											/* The intval() function "returns the integer value of a variable"
											   This means that we can now be completely sure that $grade is a number,
											   even if the user entered "stupid" into the form above.
											   When you pass this function non-number values (e.g. "stupid"), it will
											   return 0 (zero).											   
											if ($grade == 0) {
												echo '<b>0</b>';
											} else if ($grade < 3) {
												echo '<img src="">';
											} else {
												echo $grade;

The code above does the following:

  • Displays a form (with a single input, "grade")
  • Displays a table with 2 columns - name & grade
  • When the user enters a grade into the form input, and submits the form, the grade, (or a motivating picture) is shown in the appropriate table cell

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